​Sutton is one of our wish list recipients. Read her story below.
Project Christmas Angel, all year long.
Email your wishes to us at flourishwithus@yahoo.com. Include a little background information, so we can get to know you better.

Inspired by the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, enrolled participants will be eligible to receive a free book each month. ​

​Free rental of special needs bicycle (Transport Tricycle) at Gulf State Park in Alabama.
Or consider buying your own -
* Transport Tricycle - The one shown in the photo is from Dr. Leonard's
website (www.drleonards.com).
*Buddy Trike is another option from Bike Mania (www.bikemania.biz)
Sutton's Story
"A short story about my beautiful daughter goes a little like this! Sutton was 4 months when we got the diagnosis of lissencephaly. A diagnosis I had never heard of. In another term. Lissencephaly means “smooth brain.” Still, something I had never heard of. But the doctors words of “she’ll just be a vegetable the rest of her life” have stuck with me since that day. Something a mother never wants to hear, but as I sat there reflecting after the doctors appointment, I thought to myself..”you can either take what that doctor said and live that life or we can live our life to the fullest everyday.” I’ll let you decide which lane we went down. Sutton is the definition of joy and I am truly so blessed that this is the life we get to live. She makes every day fun and lights up every room she is in. Sutton has the biggest and brightest personality. She is a go getter and continues to grow and get stronger every day. Sutton goes to Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy every week and is working so hard on sitting up on her own, using her hands more to play and feed herself, and starting to use words to communicate. I truly can’t thank people in our life enough that have shown any support to us or that have celebrated Sutton in anyway. We love a good birthday party and our trip to Gulf Shores, AL was one of her 6th birthday gifts. The beach, the views, the pool, the people, and so much more were everything we could have asked for and more…”